الثلاثاء، 16 سبتمبر 2014

Success in Network Marketing - Go For Thank You

3:01 م Posted by Unknown No comments

Today I would like to talk to you about your attitude as you discuss your business with prospects. One of the many ways we fail in network marketing is we all too often have the wrong attitude when we approach potential clients.

Too often we are going for the kill. We "want to" "get them", sign them up, hustle them into the fold. We forget they are human beings and they can sense our urgency or "pushiness". Our desire to rush them into the business comes through and they retreat to safety. If we take a step back and search for something we can do to help the client, we make more progress faster and have a better chance of achieving the objective of signing them into our business.

In a previous article we talked about going for "no", and how we can begin to weed through people and just go for a decision. We want to know what you think, "yes" or "no". We can't deal with "maybe". There's another tactic and that's to go for "thank you". Look for something that the prospect says "help me" about, then provide the help and or service required

So I want to talk to you about "go for thank you". Remember it was Zig Zigler who had said that in order to get what you want in life, you have to help other people get what they want. If you always keep that service mentality in mind, keep the service sign before the dollar sign, the dollars will follow. Everyone is saying, "help me" in one way or another. Always be asking yourself, "How can I help this person get what they want? How can I be of service to this person? What it is that they need in their life that will make their life better"? And if I can show them how to get there, then I will be on my road to success too.

If you keep that attitude in mind, and you're always looking for -- at the end of whatever you do -- the person you're speaking with to look at you and say, "Thank you. You have genuinely helped me. Thank you." And if you do that, you will succeed. Now go find somebody who is saying, "help me" and wants to say "thank you" to you for the service you provide them. Genuinely care about them, help them get what they want and you are on the road to success in network marketing.

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