الاثنين، 15 سبتمبر 2014

Practice Makes For a Perfect Life

3:34 م Posted by Unknown No comments

Are you waiting until you are perfect at something before you begin to do it? Does that make sense? Think about it. If you are not doing something how can you become perfect at it? You first have to start. You will make mistakes along the way, but that can only serve to make you grow and become better at your craft. Take a look at the Professional Latin Dancers and see how exquisite their dance form is. They did not get where they are overnight. No, it took hours of practice, working with Dance Coaches, attending dance training camp with some of the best dancers in the world coaching them and getting their dance form to perfection. Then you see the finish product when they hit the dance floor in any of the major competitions. Do you think they stop becoming perfect after winning the competition? No, they are right back at practice and teaching students the next day. It is the same outlook we need to have in order to achieve our perfect life.

You cannot and will not attain your perfect life if you are just sitting there doing nothing. You have got to take the first step and trust that your way will be made clear to you. You have to start someplace. Make the decision for your life and The Universe will bring about how it will come to you. But it first starts with you.

How do you live a perfect life? Well, if you could think of a perfect life, what would it look like to you? Take those images, hold them in your vision and then begin to do the necessary work to move your life forward to that perfect life. It doesn't matter how wild your thinking is, if you can dream it, you can feel it, if you can feel it, you can believe it and if you can believe it, then you can definitely achieve it.

I have often heard the phrases, "Nobody's perfect" and there is no such thing as a "Perfect life". Those are very limiting things to say and even worse to believe. Sadly, it is that kind of thinking that we are not perfect and there is no such thing as a perfect life that creates the non-perfect life that people are living. At this moment in time, am I living my perfect life? There was a time that I was. I was doing all the things that I love, I had joy in my heart and in my life and my life was right where I wanted it to be. I couldn't ask for more. However, a few years ago my life experienced certain set-backs and it took a nose-dive, but I am currently working on bringing my life back up to the perfect living that I'm used to. I am learning to fall in love with myself again. Am I perfect? YES, 100% YES! Yeah, I had to say that in all caps and bold, because it is the truth. Are there things in my life that I need to work on? Absolutely yes. The truth is, I refuse to bring my life down and think less of myself for any reason. I may feel bad about myself, but I will not tear myself down unnecessarily.

Are there times when I'm feeling down and depressed? Of course there is. I am human and not a machine. My life has up days and it has down days and I'm sure your life has its moments too. But that does not mean that you are not perfect. Why destroy the canvas before you paint the masterpiece? If you feel that you are not perfect then how do you expect the perfect life to come to you? It won't. Instead, you will begin to experience everything in life that sends home the message to your subconscious that you and your life is indeed not perfect.

You can elevate your life from where it is. Yes, you can begin to live from the highest level of yourself, but as I mentioned before, it takes work, consistent work on your part. You have got to allow yourself to heal and to heal means to begin healing all the old emotions that is influencing your mind and telling you that you are not perfect, you are not good enough and that you will never amount to anything. Take the time to see where all those negative messages are coming from. Chances are they originated in your childhood from adults whose dreams were dashed to the ground.

To attain your perfect life you have to believe in yourself 100%. Clear away the cobwebs of self-doubt that shrouds your mind and prevent you from having the life you desire. Work on your healing, work on your self-growth. Read books that will help to motivate and inspire you. Seek out mentors who can support you in your goals, dreams and desires. As much as I am writing this for others, I am writing it for myself too. I am reminding myself of what I need to do in order to regain my perfect life. It may seem like a lot of work, however, isn't your life worth it?

Believe that you are worth something good. Believe that whatever you desire you can attain it. Become confident in yourself. Your perfect life won't come to you if you are not confident that you will attain it and even if it does come to you, you may reject it because you do not believe that it is for you. Believe that you are deserving of everything that is good and wonderful. Change the thoughts in your mind.

Release limiting beliefs about yourself and about your life. The good life is not just for others, it is for you too. You are just as deserving as anyone else on this planet, but you will need to start believing that you are deserving of it. That does not mean that you just sit there and it will fall into your lap. It requires doing the internal work that will enable you to start turning your life compass into the direction of your North Star. Soon you will be living atop the highest mountain peak living, overflowing with and enjoying your perfect life.


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