الأربعاء، 24 سبتمبر 2014

The 10 Gifts Of a Romantic Relationship

3:42 م Posted by Unknown No comments

1. The gift of having a partner. You've got a partner in crime. In all your whimsical adventures, in all your misadventures, in every place you want to go to and things you want to try, you always have someone beside you, ready to explore the world with you. Even in simple things as having Sunday brunches or staying up late to watch reruns, there's always someone to share a moment with.

2. The gift of having a back up. You've got a steady back up. You know not all your decisions are wise, but you have an assurance that no matter what, someone always got your back.

3. The gift of having a catcher. Someone's always ready to catch you when you fall. You may be a strong person, but there are times when you want to just raise your white flag. Of course family and friends will always be there, but having someone special to lean on is another thing.

4. The gift of care. You've got someone to take care of you, and if you're lucky, someone to take care of you forever. You can open your own door, you can carry your things, you can pay your bills. But, if someone does all these little thoughtful things for you, can life get any better?

5. The gift of affirmation. Constant shower of gifts, hugs and mushy lines. You get your daily dose of sweet messages and frequent surprises.

6. The gift of having "who to contact during an emergency or not so emergency cases". No matter how late, no matter how crazy the reason may be, no matter how inconvenient, there's always someone you can call when you need to.

7. The gift of intimacy. You are practically sharing your life and this other person is sharing his/her life to you. "Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow".

8. The gift of a beautiful story. Every story has an ending. When you're in a relationship, there are only two possible endings for you. You either end up together or you break up. Just two. Sometimes you decide mutually, sometimes you have no other choice but to accept what your partner has chosen for you (and that sucks, I know). However it ends, trust that the purpose for the ending is always for the best, though it may take some time for that to be obvious.

9. The gift of lessons. With the story or experience comes the lessons. Lessons that will wake you, change you, break and rebuild you. Lessons that will make you realize what you really want, what you really need and what you really deserve.

10. The gift of love. Because really, the point of all romantic relationships is just to love and be loved.

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