الثلاثاء، 16 سبتمبر 2014

The Gift You Give

3:07 م Posted by Unknown No comments

To understand the power of what you have to share in Network Marketing, you need to look at the situations people are increasingly finding themselves in worldwide. They do everything right, work as hard as they can, sacrificing wherever they can, and still find themselves coming up short of the life they want. Such is the case for one young couple I recently met from Italy, Emilio and Sasha (Note: these are pseudonyms to protect their true identities).

While both are currently gainfully employed there in Italy, they each work separate shifts which means that they almost never see each other, or seldom get to spend time together. They got married to be together, but that is not the way life is working out for them. In one sense they are very lucky because the unemployment rate in Italy nationally is about 25%, but that gives them no freedom to find jobs that allow them to spend more quality time together.

Their dream is to have a business of their own, something they can do together. They no longer want to work for someone else, but the option of starting a business there in Italy doesn't appear feasible. Like so many others from Italy, they are forced to look overseas for opportunities. Since Sasha happens to be Thai, this is where they are looking. Besides, Thailand is a very beautiful and relatively inexpensive place to live.

Since both of them have a passion for Italian as well as Thai style cooking, one thing they are considering is opening an Italian restaurant. There are complications, however. Being as Emilio is Italian, it's not so easy for him to obtain a work permit here in Thailand. If only Sasha can legally work, this severely limits their options. It can also be very expensive to open a really good restaurant like they want to do.

This is where the possibility of network marketing comes into play. It's something that an ambitious couple like Emilio and Sasha can do together to supplement their income from what ever business they eventually decide to start. More importantly, it is a business that they can build whether they are based in Thailand or in Italy, and it is also a way that Emilio can earn without necessitating having a local work permit. In sharing the network marketing business, you give people like Emilio and Sasha the possibility of them being able to design a lifestyle they choose, not one that is dictated by their circumstances.

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