الاثنين، 15 سبتمبر 2014

Negative No More: Strategies to Produce More Joy and Energy Needed to Achieve Big Goals

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 Releasing negativity is important because it is a heavy weight to carry. It also affects other people. In order to release energy needed to accomplish bigger goals, we need to find strategies to release the negative. Here is an important tip.

Live Your Passion

"Life is without meaning. You bring meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning."

Joseph Campbell, American mythologist

Are you living out of your values and passion? It appears most Americans are at odds with their life purpose.

Many hate their jobs even with perks such as, a pay raise, a well-stocked employee lounge or an exercise room. These workers remain apathetic. They report being in a "rut." Or going through the motions for a paycheck. "Thank God it's Friday!" is a slogan by which millions of workers live by. Are you one of these workers?

Additionally, American business is affected. Gallup reports that mediocre job performance, increased employee absenteeism due to stress related issues, which includes depression and anxiety, is costing big business 550 billion annually.

Moreover, disgruntled workers who stand by the water cooler often live to spread gossip and indulge in other negative behaviors which slowly erodes morale among workers.

What a high price to pay!

How would living your passion quiet your negative feelings towards work?

Living congruently with who you are brings a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in your life. To identify your passion ask yourself, what do I remember loving as a child? What are my values? What talents do others say I have? Ask a co-worker or close friend this question. If your life could be boiled down into a sentence, what would that sentence be? What subjects do you gravitate towards in the media? Look at your check book and credit card statements. How do you spend your money? This gives you feedback.

Begin to integrate your interests into everyday life. Do you prize presentation skills? Find ways to develop this skill at work. Why not volunteer to do presentations at work? Why not take advantage of professional trainings offered at work which deals with bettering communication skills?

Why not join Toastmasters International where you meet like-minded others?

This concrete step is a sure way to bring more energy and passion into the workplace and brighten your disposition.

How Developing Your Gifts Betters the Community

Bringing passion to your work transforms it into play and enhances work performance. When we enjoy our daily activities, we focus our attention to the task at hand, blocking out external noise. Performance anxiety and negativity tend to wane. We experiment. We "think out the box", looking for new solutions to long standing issues. In such a relaxed yet engrossed state, the stage is set for innovative works which can alter the quality of our lives.

I had thought about it, but did not intend to commit at the time I did. I have been a teacher for twenty-three years, when I was walking down the school's hallway talking to a parent whose child was being promoted to third grade from my class.

At the beginning of the school year, I recognized Ventura's strong interest in science and reading. It was easy to single him out as an unusual second grader because his reading skills were on a fifth grade level, and he was extremely curious.

Being an inner-city teacher, I desired to select certain motivated students and provide extracurricular activity and direction, ensuring they be the first in their families to go to college. It crossed my mind several times to make Ventura the first student I'd invest in, but I procrastinated throughout the school year.

His mother was a sincere and hardworking woman who regularly volunteered throughout the year in my classroom. I was impressed how she took the education of her children seriously.

So, as we were walking down the hallway at the end of the school year, I intuitively asked his mom, "Ventura is so intelligent. Do you see him going to college?"

In excitement she responded. "Oh Ms. Henderson! That' been a dream of mine. I want him and his sister to have a better life than we had."

I responded, "Well, Ms. Vasquez, I will commit to Ventura until he's eighteen. I will find ways to expand his and your world, and will help him get into college, if you help him stay focused in school. Deal?"

Mrs. Vasquez erupted in tears. "Oh, God is so good, so good!" She leaned on my shoulder as if to sturdy herself. "Thank you, Ms. Henderson."

On that day three years ago, our pact was born. Since then, this deep desire to see inner-city children become professionals and leaders in our community has developed into a red-hot passion of mine.
The mutual impact we are having on each other has changed both our lives. I feel such satisfaction as I watch Ventura passionately delve into the science classes he takes. Our joint efforts have created deep ties to each other, and their gratitude continues to humble me, adding greatly to the quality of my life.


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