الخميس، 18 سبتمبر 2014

Those Family Jewels - Does Size Really Matter?

3:01 م Posted by Unknown No comments

All that talk about the lust for big breasts has led us to the ultimate response from the ladies... what about the size of the family jewels men are so proud of? Does size matter? Is there a hidden meaning to the female fascination of oversized penises? Guess what? It does matter! Well, kinda, sorta... it's like driving a race car. If you are an accomplished driver and know how to maximize performance from the vehicle, size is almost irrelevant.Likewise for the men who are really well endowed and have very little finesse as a lover. Your oversized phallus may actually hinder your performance leaving the ladies complaining about painful sex!

While it seems that the men have a greater fascination than women about their family jewels and the importance of size, women have always had an opinion. The difference is they know from experience! Many men actually advertise their size on a first date! Women are barely listening as they zero in on his eyes, sizing up whether or not he is sensitive and caring, arrogant or self-absorbed... all those things that help a woman determine whether this man is a safe bet to continue getting to know. She may have not have even heard his reference to the size of whatever name he has given to his pride and 'package.' She has been getting familiar with the rest of him; the part she has to trust and live with far more often if she becomes involved in a relationship with him.

In the final analysis, performance is the key to winning the war about who is the greatest lover in any woman's life. Compact can become as exciting as a Ferrari while oversized can be as clumsy as a box truck! It's time to let the men in on the secret gals have shared for years. When women talk about their men, they rarely mention the size of his penis... unless their sexual experience with him is painful.

On the other hand, those average size guys that make up the greatest part of the population may have it all over the bigger guys in their ability to perform. Like any other achievement; when you begin with average, you must work harder to be the best. And these guys do on a regular basis.

Men who understand how women think are miles ahead in the lover department.

Women begin getting aroused long in advance of the time they see the sheets before them. They are building a dream with a desired conclusion that includes emotions; feeling desirable, loved and pursued, even from her husband. A man in pursuit of his own wife ranks high on the list of the most desirable of men. The culmination of sex is just the icing on the cake. The elements for building excitement in your partner include shared secret looks, touching, gentle laughter, whispering in her ear, caressing, hugging, cuddling and a host of other things special to just the two of you. These are what make the experience memorable.

When a couple has this kind of chemistry building, creating a blissful sexual encounter requires only that the man involved has done his homework and knows exactly where the right spots are to achieve the greatest impact. If you don't know, take a moment to learn with your partner. If you're comfortable and able to create a teasing, loving manner to introduce it while in the act, she will respond in the same manner.

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