الاثنين، 15 سبتمبر 2014

Being Right In the Place You Are Meant To Be

3:39 م Posted by Unknown No comments

"Trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be."
~ Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582)

LIFE IS NOT REPLETE with guarantees. Flummoxed by all sorts of wearying conditions of life, intermingled with the occasional joys, we are beset by many transitions and degrees of uncertainty. Yet, we are right where God has us. We are right where God has allowed us to be. We are right where we belong, however offensive it seems.

As we journey with a baby who kicks and grows and moves so much, this same baby has no future in this world. Yet, for what we are about to suffer, and for what our family will suffer, and those who love us, and our precious baby him or herself, we are right where God has mandated we be.

It might seem unfair, but as soon as we understand we are in the right place, right now, then life has joyous acceptance about it in the present.

We may be overwhelmed in pain. We might be at peace. We could be on top of our game. We might be interned in grief. We all ebb and flow through life.

Whatever our state of being, God has allowed us to be where we are presently at.

That is the purpose. That is the innate purpose of life; to live the very day; to accept the bases of the situations we find ourselves in; to accept this day.

The blessing involved in trusting God to the degree of accepting just the very circumstance we experience just now is we are at peace, always.

We don't need to know the future. We don't need to be thrilled with the past. But we can accept the present.

There is a blessing in the bravery to just be. There is such peace in going about life in simplicity, patiently, without complaint. And when we can balance this state of acceptance up with the hope and desire to grow, and to be slightly dissatisfied with where we are at, yet accept the slow rate of progress we do make, we might be exactly where God wills us to be.


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