I have a question for you. Are you in network marketing? Do you have patience? Do you trust the process? Are you building your business? Are you in a hurry? Are you trying to get rich quick? My advice to you is, "be patient".
Many people get into this business with a sort of a hype, "This product just sells itself. Just go show all of you friends and relatives. They're going to love it. They're going to want to sign up. They're going to want to get involved with you. You're all going to make money. You're going to get rich quick." That is not true. None of it is true. You must be patient to build this business. There are no "get rich quick" schemes.
Eight out or ten people are going to say no. Maybe nine out of ten are going to say no. You've already found that out. This isn't a get rich quick scheme. You're asking people to get involved with you to get in business with you. It takes time. It takes an average of five to seven exposures before somebody says yes. Let that sink in, an average of five to seven exposures before somebody says yes.
People are skeptical at first. They take time to warm up to the idea of getting involved and you have to nurture and develop the relationship. Even then many people will simply say, "No". Expect that and once again, learn to trust the process to weed out the naysayers from the action takers.
How do you win at this game? You do all of the things that I've talked about in many previous blog posts, articles and videos. You sincerely care about the people. You learn about them. You learn what's important for them. You help them to get what they want. You stay in touch with them. You become their friend. In that process, you be patient and you trust the entire process of network marketing to work for you. It may sound like a lot of work, and it is, but the reality is that's the way it works. You stay in touch with people. You try to find ways to help people. You be of service to people. You put value out there. You provide leadership, and you let them come to you when the time is right for them.
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