6 Tips To Staying On Track With Your Goals
Setting goals is paramount to your success. Ensuring that your vision for your goals is written down is also a highly important step towards your success. I won't go into too much detail here, but there is something known as experiential learning that incorporates the body's movements into ones learning and memory process. This essentially means that the simple act of writing down details, goals, or facts implants them into our brain. We are able to bring up those details easier than if we had simply read them alone. With regards to our goals, this lets us recall them easier, and aids in implanting the vision of our goals into our subconscious minds. I implore anyone that wishes to create anything, or do anything significant in their lives to become clear about their goals, and write them down. If you have read anything on the law of attraction, you will know that the clearer your vision is, the more likely you are to bring it into your life.
Having a clear vision and knowing what your goals are is just part of the equation. Anyone who has set New Year's resolutions will relate to the strong sense of motivation for the days, and often times weeks shortly thereafter. Many people will also be able to relate to the feeling they get in the months afterwards when they are no longer sustaining their vision, or working towards their goals. This is very common, and tends to be part of most people's lives in general.
By following a few key steps, you can help maintain discipline to achieve your goals, and ensure you meet your own commitments to them.
1). Set Goals You Know You Can Achieve
This may sound incredibly obvious, but it plays such a vital part in your success. If your goal is to save $1,000,000 this year, is that something that is achievable from your current financial position? I'm not stating you should not have larger goals such as this. However, quite simply if you know you earn say $35,000 per year, and your savings are $10,000, do you strongly believe that you will somehow be able to make up the difference this year? Note I underlined believe, as this is absolutely imperative to your ability to achieving your goal. If your subconscious doesn't truly believe you are able to achieve your goal, then it will be nothing more than some words on a piece of paper that you disregard after a few days. Perhaps if your goal was to achieve $1,000,000 in savings, then you might want to give yourself a particular hurdle. For example you could plan out how long it will take you to save $1,000,000 on the assumption that your salary doesn't increase over time, and also that you are not receiving interest from the bank. Then, you could look at ways to save more per year to achieve the sum quicker. That way, your subconscious doesn't lose motivation at the sheer enormity of the task at hand.
2). Choose One Primary Goal
Using the abovementioned goal of saving $1,000,000 as an example, let's assume that due to the fact that you are ambitious you decide that you have ten goals to achieve in the year. This sounds very reasonable, and most people would have a similar philosophy. By choosing one primary goal to work towards, your energy is focussed and you will find that some of the other goals are achieved as a by-product of focussing on your main goal. Surprisingly enough, if you follow through on this, you may even find that once your main goal is achieved, you will be able to do more than what you had anticipated. You may even re-write your goals after achieving them in a time-frame quicker than expected. In this example, it may be to firstly save $x amount of dollars. From there, perhaps you have some physical goals to work towards. Whilst you can incorporate healthy living, and exercise into your daily regime, if you focus on the one main goal first then you are more likely to fulfil it.
3). Format Your Goal
If you write your goals in format such as; save $1,000,000, you are not really telling your subconscious anything of value. If you format your goal in another way, you are telling your subconscious what is going to happen. As an example; By the age of fifty five I (insert your full name) will have saved $1,000,000. This can then be broken into smaller goals, or hurdles. As an example you might say; By the 5th of June 20xx, I (insert your full name) will have saved $25,000 towards my goal of saving $1,000,000 by the age of fifty five. What this tends to do is put the goal in the now. Meaning that whilst $1,000,000 seems so far away, saving $25,000 over the next couple of years should seem more realistic. Better yet, you can also break that goal down further into monthly goals. By... I will have saved $x towards my goal of saving $1,000,000 by the age of fifty five.
4). Read Your Goals Daily
It should only take a couple of minutes out of your day to do this. Some people even advocate reading them twice daily. This has the effect of creating focus as you are constantly reminding your subconscious of where you would like to go in life. If you are really committed, then you may even write out your full list of goals daily. This may seem drastic, but in reality by doing the things that others won't is what has lead most successful people to success in their chosen field.
5). Reward Achievement
This plays such a vital role in maintaining your discipline towards any given goal. If you desire something, then making it a reward for achieving a particular milestone in your life has a profound effect on maintaining your momentum towards your goal. This can be anything from a night out, to a weekend away, to that nice dress or pair of shoes you were wanting. This has a dramatic effect, as you are rewarding yourself for your discipline, which in turn reinforces your positive habits. If you don't reward yourself from time to time, then the hard work you have put in can seem mundane at times.
6). Create A Vision Board
A vision board is something that you can see daily. It feeds your subconscious the desire, and drive to achieve your goals. A Vision board can have anything on it that represents your goals. In case you are unaware as to what a vision board is, it is simply a poster you create yourself that you place on your wall. It should have photos or images that represent your desires. The options are limitless, and thankfully with the internet you can download free stock photos to use. You can also cut shapes, photos and clippings from magazines as well.
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