In his book, 'You'll See It When You Believe It,' Dr. Wayne W Dyer states "Abundance is related to how you feel about yourself. If you feel important enough to ask, and divine enough to receive, receiving will be your reward." This is a very profound statement, for it asks the reader to look at his self or her self not so much with objectivity but with subjectivity: "What do I believe of myself deep inside? Do I really approve of myself? Can I look deep into my own eyes in a mirror and say, 'I approve of you?' You are a good person and I love you."
If there is any conflict between our real self and our image of ourselves it will show up here. If you truly do approve of yourself and love yourself there will be little self-consciousness or strain here. But if it's a lie you will feel it. Yes, even if it's just a little lie. So, if you really want to have your prayers answered you need to know at least these two things: What do I really want? And far more profoundly: Am I Divine?
We know that we have two parts to our minds, the objective conscious part and the subjective, subconscious part. And make no bones about it, the subconscious provides us with our view of both the world at large and how we fit into it. For the subconscious has been growing whatever we've been consciously or unconsciously planting in its fertile soil. Here lies our knowledge, our opinions, and our beliefs. Invariably we don't know as much about our beliefs and where they came from as we think we do. The reason for this is so much of it is hidden away in the deep recesses of that great subconscious mind.
Without going into a lot of detail here I will state a belief of my own. It is this: we have a personal subconscious mind which is permeable and surrounded by to a collective subconscious mind (Carl Jung's Collective Unconscious) and from there infinite links to what I term the Universal Mind. In other words, done right, we have access to higher realms of consciousness. Moreover, we can draw on these if we know what to do - that is, how to do it.
So maybe you want to know how it can be done.
Well, there probably are infinite ways, but I will mention only one: automatic writing (or automatic typing if you're skilled touch typist) and here is one way you can go about it. It something I have mentioned in previous essays but I'll describe it again here.
You can access your subconscious mind by receiving messages from your non-dominant hand. Briefly, you write a question or make a statement - for example, an affirmation you're making in order to bring something into your life. You do this with your dominant (usual) handwriting hand and receive the answers through your left.
In the '11 by 21 Exercise,' you write out your affirmation with your right hand. When the sentence is complete, you wait for your left hand to respond with its answer. It will. But it might take some perseverance before it gets going. You might have to try over a few days. However, once the first answer comes, they will keep coming.
Oh, and don't rubbish this if it doesn't work the first few times you try it. That way you are only strengthening the belief that it won't work. If you say it won't with enough emotion your subconscious will surely believe you!
Okay. You write out the statement eleven times, each time getting an answer. You do this three times a day for three weeks. Why three weeks? Well that is because it is generally accepted that it takes around three weeks to form a new habit. The habit you are encouraging here is to get your subconscious mind to accept your affirmation. Once it has done this it will work on this as a truth, a belief. And from thereon, because a belief has changed, your outside circumstances will change. You have to change what is within before what is outside changes.
Remember the wise words of the great Magi: "As above, so below; as within, so without."
Ponder on that.
But this essay is long enough. Try it. But be very careful with that affirmation. Make sure you state it in the present tense and that it is an affirmative statement. Once established in your subconscious as a truth it will have a powerful influence on you. That influence will stay on, leaving you only when it is superseded with another which counters its effects. So choose wisely.
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