الجمعة، 3 أكتوبر 2014

How To Achieve Greatness In Your Lifetime

7:35 م Posted by Unknown No comments

If you want to learn how to do something, there's really only a few ways.

One is to simply try from trial and error. Figure out what you want, make a move, and see what happens.

If you get closer, do more of whatever you did. If you are further away, do less of whatever you did. If you continue this, and never quit, you will achieve more than 99% of the people who ever lived, who are living now, and who will ever live in the future.

Why? Because most people are so terrified of failure, they either never start or simply give up after a couple tries. If you just keep trying and failing, learning, trying, succeeding, etc, you will achieve MASSIVE success in a very short time.

What will make it easier?

It helps if you've got some kind of a model to follow. Somebody who's already doing what you want to do.

Every single one of us learned to walk and talk this way. We didn't know how, we saw all the adults around us doing that, and we tried and tried until we got it right.

As an adult, you've got to take a lot more into consideration when modeling. Not only how they do what they do, but what they're thinking while they do it, what they're NOT thinking while they do it, and what they believe about themselves and the world around them.

Focusing on the external skills that you can see will only get you so far.

Naturally, there are some "meta-skills" that will help you matter what specific skill you are intending to emulate, whether it be money making, cake baking, or skateboarding.

Some of these "meta-skills" are beliefs, like "there's no failure, only feedback," or "I can learn anything if I put my mind to it, " or "If THAT person can do it, then I can do it."

Then there's some overarching behavioral meta skills that will almost guarantee you reach your goal, you matter how big it is or far off it seems.

And that is to simply never, ever give up.

Think about the most successful people alive today. Tiger Woods. Bill Gates. Warren Buffet.

They didn't get to where they are because they found some magic "shortcut."

They figured out what they wanted, and they went after it. Consistently, relentlessly and daily.

Never, ever, giving up. To them, it was never, ever an option.

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