الاثنين، 15 سبتمبر 2014

The One Lesson to Learn

3:15 م Posted by Unknown No comments

I have always wondered. I am, first of all, a visual artist than I am a writer. But in every phase of my life, writing had always been given to me.

I know many whose vocabulary and fancy style exceeds that of my own. I know there are born writers. I only learn from reading and admiring them.

Two years ago, one of my mentors encouraged me to continue on my writing career path. She saw how writing had been evidently meant to be a part of my life. I haven't even realized it because I have always known one thing: my heart belonged to Visual Art.

I have been wondering if I am meant to write something of importance. If I am meant to publish a book or become a best-selling writer.

Then, I realized, what is the need for all that? In fact, I have written more than I have imagined I would. In my entire life, I have written many works, many of which I have burned or deleted.

In fact, I realized that there is probably nothing more to write about. Many will keep on writing, and it is all just a variety of words that want to point to one thing: Love.

Love, love, love. The most written-about topic throughout human history.

I am convinced that there is nothing to learn, nothing to teach. Of course, I realized, too, that writers (myself included) would not be writing if that was true.

However, I have deduced that, in truth, all that any of us really needs to do is to return to love. To love ourselves, and to learn to love all unconditionally. That is all that the universe is trying to teach us. That is all the billions of years of human existence has ever been about: the return to love.

I have written before about my experience of the collective consciousness. And even then, it was clear that all source of anger, frustration, hate, resentment, bitterness, desires, ambitions, longing... all have sprung from the lack of love. More from the lack of self love than lack of someone to love.

The experience reminded me of a lady I encountered at a workshop. She is young, beautiful, and bright. She comes from a wealthy, well-reputed family. She has a good-looking boyfriend. She is acclaimed among her peers. When I saw her, all I noticed about her was her niceties. And thus, it was surprising for most of us when she revealed that she had a lot of insecurities.

Then again, it was a crowd of well-to-do people. It was almost impossible to see any trace of lack of confidence in them. Little did I realize that beneath all the make-up that served as a mask, was the truth of what lay within them.

No one can really teach you how to love. Only you can do that.

You can read every book, attend workshops and free healing transmissions, or enroll in classes... until you return to love, nothing will work and no one can do anything for you.

Re-ignite the flame of passion for yourself, for your work, for your life, for your world. You don't need to look for someone to love. You do not need to look for others to love you.

All you need to do is love. Become passionate again. Savor the taste of food, the scent of the trees and flowers, the crispness of the breeze, the warmth of sunshine on your skin.

Fall in love with yourself. Fall in love with the veins that run through your feet, having appeared after a long walk out in Nature. Fall in love with your hard work after a long day at the office. Fall in love with the sound of traffic that tells you, you are not alone. Fall in love with the mother who yells at the top of her lungs, because, in truth, she cares so much for you. Fall in love with the peacefulness of slumber and the freshness waking brings.

Fall in love with your life. Fall in love with your world. If you cannot do that, no one can do anything for you.

Fall in love. Be in love. All else just follows. But everything begins only by your returning to love.

A person who loves you passionately can be standing right in front of you, but until you love yourself, you will be unable to fathom that. Many spend their whole life searching, not even knowing what it is they are searching for. Many travel the world to search for peace of mind, self-fulfillment... for love... hoping that every turn in the road, or flight to a new country might bring hold the answer.

All everyone is searching for is one and the same thing. And yes, indeed, it is love.

You can traverse the whole universe, but until you have learned self-love... you will never find what you are looking for. Even if someone is dying to give love to you.

Wherever you are now, you are exactly where you need to be--just as every single person in the world is. No matter where we are, we all have one single lesson to learn: returning to love.

That is all that we need. And that is the first thing everyone should know. It is crucial that it ought to be the first in the To-Do list of every mother, father, teacher, and leader. (If you are a parent, teacher, or leader, hopefully you ponder on this. Before teaching children about the ABC's and 123's... teach them love. Give them love.)

When I first started writing this, I thought to myself. "What would another book do, if millions of composers, writers, historians, world leaders have advocated it through all their work?" And yet after millions of years of civilization, humanity is still trying to answer the question: What is love?

Some say love is a feeling. Others say it is a state of being. Spiritualists and mystics say it is the building block of the universe.

For me, it is everything. And if it is too difficult to be in love, remember all the times you have ever been in love. Feel it in every fiber, cell, and particle of your body. Feel it light up your body. Feel it surrounding you.


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