الاثنين، 15 سبتمبر 2014

Self Confidence: How To Get You Some!

2:53 م Posted by Unknown No comments

Self-confidence comes contextually from being good at something.

The habit of self-confidence comes from having experiences of being good at several different "somethings," and knowing deep down inside yourself that you have the resources to get where you want to go in life.

Let me ask you a question, and you don't have to tell me what the answer is. It is important for you to tell yourself though, and be honest with yourself.

Where is it you want to have more confidence?

Is it in social situations?

If so, which ones?

Is it at particular task?

I remember when I first took piano lessons.

I had almost zero confidence regarding my ability to put my fingers on the correct notes without looking at the keys and my fingers and trying to figure out where to place my fingers next. But I knew it was possible, because I had seen others do it, and I wanted to do it too.

I now have much more confidence and ability in that area.

Someone who is a concert pianist has even more confidence regarding that specific skill.

I used to have low confidence talking with beautiful women.

So I learned some basic things to say to start conversations and went and got some practice talking with them.

My point is that once you know where you are lacking in confidence and where you want to have more confidence, and how you will know once you've achieved it, you can start to DO something to get there.

The burning desire for a well-formed goal will tend to over-ride insecurity and lack of confidence.

Just like a baby has no reference points for crawling, and then walking - other than seeing other people walk, they know they want something that is just out of reach, so they learn to move to get to it.

They fall many, many times, but the desire to get what they want causes them to keep trying, trying, trying until they are finally able to walk with so much confidence they don't even have to think about how to do it anymore.

So first, decide where you want confidence.

Now write down the last thing you didn't know how to do, and yet you learned to do it successfully.

Even if it's something simple like learning how to check your emails or how to navigate all the menus on that new tv.

If you've achieved competency in any area, you have the ability to learn.

And when you break a task - any task that is possible to do - down in to the basic steps, you can gain competency at that task, and with it the self confidence in yourself to do it and to do it well.


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