الجمعة، 10 أكتوبر 2014

If You Change Your Thinking You Will Change Your Life

7:46 ص Posted by Unknown No comments

In his book, 'You'll See It When You Believe It,' Dr. Wayne W Dyer states "Abundance is related to how you feel about yourself. If you feel important enough to ask, and divine enough to receive, receiving will be your reward." This is a very profound statement, for it asks the reader to look at his self or her self not so much with objectivity but with subjectivity: "What do I believe of myself deep inside? Do I really approve of myself? Can I look deep into my own eyes in a mirror and say, 'I approve of you?' You are a good person and I love you."

If there is any conflict between our real self and our image of ourselves it will show up here. If you truly do approve of yourself and love yourself there will be little self-consciousness or strain here. But if it's a lie you will feel it. Yes, even if it's just a little lie. So, if you really want to have your prayers answered you need to know at least these two things: What do I really want? And far more profoundly: Am I Divine?

We know that we have two parts to our minds, the objective conscious part and the subjective, subconscious part. And make no bones about it, the subconscious provides us with our view of both the world at large and how we fit into it. For the subconscious has been growing whatever we've been consciously or unconsciously planting in its fertile soil. Here lies our knowledge, our opinions, and our beliefs. Invariably we don't know as much about our beliefs and where they came from as we think we do. The reason for this is so much of it is hidden away in the deep recesses of that great subconscious mind.

Without going into a lot of detail here I will state a belief of my own. It is this: we have a personal subconscious mind which is permeable and surrounded by to a collective subconscious mind (Carl Jung's Collective Unconscious) and from there infinite links to what I term the Universal Mind. In other words, done right, we have access to higher realms of consciousness. Moreover, we can draw on these if we know what to do - that is, how to do it.

So maybe you want to know how it can be done.

Well, there probably are infinite ways, but I will mention only one: automatic writing (or automatic typing if you're skilled touch typist) and here is one way you can go about it. It something I have mentioned in previous essays but I'll describe it again here.

You can access your subconscious mind by receiving messages from your non-dominant hand. Briefly, you write a question or make a statement - for example, an affirmation you're making in order to bring something into your life. You do this with your dominant (usual) handwriting hand and receive the answers through your left.

In the '11 by 21 Exercise,' you write out your affirmation with your right hand. When the sentence is complete, you wait for your left hand to respond with its answer. It will. But it might take some perseverance before it gets going. You might have to try over a few days. However, once the first answer comes, they will keep coming.

Oh, and don't rubbish this if it doesn't work the first few times you try it. That way you are only strengthening the belief that it won't work. If you say it won't with enough emotion your subconscious will surely believe you!

Okay. You write out the statement eleven times, each time getting an answer. You do this three times a day for three weeks. Why three weeks? Well that is because it is generally accepted that it takes around three weeks to form a new habit. The habit you are encouraging here is to get your subconscious mind to accept your affirmation. Once it has done this it will work on this as a truth, a belief. And from thereon, because a belief has changed, your outside circumstances will change. You have to change what is within before what is outside changes.

Remember the wise words of the great Magi: "As above, so below; as within, so without."

Ponder on that.

But this essay is long enough. Try it. But be very careful with that affirmation. Make sure you state it in the present tense and that it is an affirmative statement. Once established in your subconscious as a truth it will have a powerful influence on you. That influence will stay on, leaving you only when it is superseded with another which counters its effects. So choose wisely.

الأحد، 5 أكتوبر 2014

All You Need to Know About Anger Management Help

7:34 م Posted by Unknown No comments

If anger is a human and natural reaction, you know that you need to get help of some sort when you're brining it and taking it too far. A lot of anger management resources are available today so there is no reason that you should not seek anger management help if you need it.

Exactly What is Anger Management Help?

Anger management help can take many forms; from anger management courses and classes to anger management counseling. In other words, any type of resources that you attend and seek out to help you manage your anger are considered as being forms of anger management help.

Anger Management Help Tip #1: Relaxation

If you find that you need a way to help relieve and deal with your anger, the first thing you can do is to attempt meditation and other relaxation techniques on your own. Simply sitting in a quiet room and practicing breathing techniques can help you to release your angry feelings. If this method works for you and you feel more at peace with yourself, you then obviously do not need to look for more anger management help.

Anger Management Help Tip #2: Attend Anger Management Classes

However, if relaxing on your own is simply not enough and does not work for you, you could then attend anger management classes. You probably have heard that knowing the cause of a problem is part of its solution. Well, that's the point of anger management classes. You can go there and learn everything you nee to manage your anger. You'll discover why people have anger, how anger works, how anger is expressed and how you can deal with and manage your anger so that it does not become a hurtful or dangerous thing.

Since there are anger management classes available all across the world, there's no doubt that you will be able to find one that is at least at a reasonable distance from your house or workplace. These classes are usually not expensive and are often even free. Because anger is such an incredibly serious issue, most of these resources try to make their services as open to as many people as they possibly can.

One last thing, either these methods work for you or not, you should consult with your doctor and notify him of your anger issues. Sometimes, a illness or a chemical imbalance in your body may be the cause of your anger and it will need to be dealt with.

Are you interested in discovering proven methods for resolving anger before it turns to aggression? Visit our website on Anger Management [http://anger-management.nathlaf.com] to discover a radically new way to beat anger, WITHOUT drugs and without Therapy!

15 Keys to Incredible Confidence

6:43 م Posted by Unknown No comments

There is no such thing as “confidence;” there is only confident behavior that results from confident thinking.

“Confident” people are people who are in the habit of portraying confident behaviors.  The more you “act” confidently, the more confident you will become.

You start off “faking” confidence, and you actually trick your mind into thinking that you are a confident person.  The more you fake it, the more genuine the confidence becomes.

Thinking confidently is a choice, you can choose to be shy and quiet, or you can choose to be confident.

There are times when you “act” shy, and there are times when you “act” confidently.  You are completely in control!  Don’t buy into the lie that you are “shy” around strangers or in front of a large crowd.  No!  You “act” shy when you want to act shy; you flip a switch and you say “Now I’m going to act shy, because I don’t know these people.”

Stop switching that shy switch; decide that you will be confident when you want to be confident.  Flip the confidence switch, and people will be amazed at the difference.  Imagine you’re an actor; you have to learn how to turn the confidence on, and turn it off.

What does confidence look like? 

Think of a time when you were confident, either talking to a group, or one-on-one with someone.  How did you act; how did you speak; did you make large hand gestures?  That’s what confidence looks like on you; now all you have to do is to channel that version of you whenever you want to appear confident, that’s the secret.

Below I have documented fifteen behaviors to remind you of what confidence looks like.

Remember, when you have confident behavior, that behavior will notify your mind that you are confident.  Thereby increasing your confidence, and round-and-round we go, until you have incredible confidence and poise as a result of practicing confident behaviors.

15 Keys to Incredible Confidence:

1. Take Up Space

Confident people lean back in their chairs, they make large purposeful hand gestures, they spread out their files when in a meeting, they take up space…they don’t have a problem taking up space, you should do the same; don’t shrink, expand to show confidence.

2. Don’t Fidget

Can you imagine James Bond fidgeting, it’s not very becoming; you want to appear perfectly in control of every bodily movement.  All of your movements should be meaningful, they should matter.  You must make purposeful movements to appear confident.

3. Stand Erect

Stand tall, even when you’re sitting.  A great posture is a sure fire way to ensure that you both look and feel confident.  Chest out, shoulders back, and keep your head level: both vertically and horizontally.   This will help you to exude confidence.  You should walk as if you’re being pulled perfectly upright by a string in the sky (attached to the top of your head).

4. Speak Slowly, and with Confidence

If you speak a million miles/kilometers a second, then it’s hard to sound confident.   Confident people take their time when they speak, because they are confident enough to believe that you will wait to hear what they have to say.  Don’t rush; pause, take your time, and be relaxed when you speak.

You always want to appear to be cool, calm and collected.  The more nervous you are, the slower you should speak; speak as if you’re talking to a child.  Speaking slowly will help you to re-gain your confidence.

5. Be Yourself

Often people say, “Act like someone else, if you want to appear confident.”  I think that’s bad advice; it’s too much to think about.  Act like yourself!  You’ve been confident before, you know what confidence looks like on you.  That’s the confidence that you need to bring to the table.  Be your confident self, be bold; don’t make excuses!  Remember how you acted when you were confident in the past; turn on that confidence switch.

6. Pay Attention and Make Eye Contact

Confident people pay attention to others because they’re not overly focused on themselves.

When you focus on others you will appear more engaged, charismatic and confident.  When you listen to others, with your ears as well as with your eyes, you will be able to ask great questions.  Others will interpret your engagement, eye contact, and interaction as pure confidence.

7. Move Slow

Think of a lion; slow purposeful movements, exuding confidence, knowing that you can do what you will.

Slow down to speed up your confidence.  Don’t be like a roach, panicking at every sudden movement by another; you want to be graceful and elegant.  Powerful and poised!

8. Ruffle a Few Feathers

Confident people don’t mind ruffling a few feathers.  I’m not saying that you should ruffle feathers for the sake of ruffling feathers.  I am saying that you should stick up for what you believe in, and if you have to ruffle a few feathers in the process, then that’s what you have to do.  The goal of appearing confident is not to get people to like you, necessarily, but to respect you.

9. Steeple Your Hands

When you steeple your hands (pressing the fingers of one hand, against the fingers of your other hand in the shape of a steeple), you signal to others, as well as to yourself, that you’re confident.  Try using this steeple gesture when you’re not feeling confident as a way to conjure up additional confidence.

10. Don’t Try to Please Everyone

Does a king try to please everyone; no it’s the courtier in the King’s court constantly bowing and gesturing for approval.  Confident people are not dependent on the constant acceptance of others.  Act like a king, confident people do not obsess with pleasing everyone.

11. Pause Before You Speak

Nervous people can’t help but to try to fill every silent moment with meaningless chatter.  They can’t wait for the conversation to be over, and so they try to speed through it. Confident people are comfortable with silence.

To show extreme confidence, pause a second or two before you speak.  Think about what the other person has said before you respond; let your face show that you’re pondering their thoughts.  This will significantly increase how confident you appear.

12. Don’t Cackle

Don’t give away a laugh too easily, don’t be a cackler.  It doesn’t come across very confidently.  Make people work for a good laugh; you can flash them a smile, or a calm chuckle, but don’t give away the circus too easily.

13. Don’t Offer Constant Reassurance

When speaking with others, try the single head nod, versus the “bobble head doll” version of saying yes constantly.  When you agree, give a single nod.

It’s difficult to look confident when your head is bouncing around on your neck like a bobble head doll.

14. Do Everything in the Open, Nothing in the Dark

Occasionally, being nervous arises from doing things that you’re not supposed to be doing.  If you have to constantly look over your shoulder, perhaps you should reconsider your activities.  Confidence comes from within; to exude confidence, you must have a clear conscious, and you must speak and live from a place of authenticity.

15. Finally, If You Don’t Know, Say You Don’t Know

If you want to convince someone that you know what you’re talking about, give them a timely, “I don’t know the answer to that question yet.”  Confident people recognize that they can’t possibly know the answer to every question, and they are confident enough to let you know they don’t know.  When you don’t know the answer, don’t fumble around; just say you don’t know yet.  This will help you to exude confidence.

In Closing

You absolutely have what it takes to be confident, starting today, right now!  You don’t have to sign-up for a confidence course or read a dozen more articles or books.  You just have to turn on the switch; you’ve been confident in the past, and you can be confident whenever you so choose.

Choose to be confident, practice confidence, practice turning on your confidence in the grocery store, in the mall, or when hanging out with friends, so when you really need it, it will be there.

5 Life-Changing Keys to Success

6:38 م Posted by Unknown No comments

There’s an old English proverb that goes, “God is every bird a worm, but he doesn’t throw it in their nest.”  To succeed, we must follow the principles that cause success.  When you follow the principles you will succeed every time.

Today I want to discuss five life-changing keys to success that will position you to succeed, to be your best, and to live the life of your dreams.

5 Life-Changing Keys to Success: 

1. Do Your Best

“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.”

~Og Mandino

Your todays are the building blocks of your tomorrows.  Give each day your very best and you will have built your very best life.  The key is to build the habit of giving your best in everything you do.  Don’t spend your time rushing, but spend it creating quality building blocks for tomorrow.  Spend your todays creating a future that you will be proud of.

2. Choose

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”

~Wayne Dyer

John Donne said, “Be thine own palace, or the world’s thy jail.”  The choice is yours!  If you choose to see the “bad” in everything then that’s exactly what you’ll see.  I know it’s crude, but if you look for a “bugger” then you will find one.  Choose to be optimistic; you are much more likely to succeed if you believe that you will succeed, much more likely.

3. Be Confident

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”

~Norman Vincent Peale

If you don’t believe you will succeed, why would anyone else, you know you best, you know if you’re capable of succeeding or not.  I’m not saying that you should be arrogant but, you should be confident in your abilities.  Why not you?  Why not now?  If someone else can succeed, then that’s just proof that you can succeed as well.  Be confident in your abilities and set out to achieve your dreams.

4. Work

“Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.”

~Thomas Jefferson

Solomon said, “Idle hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.”  No one succeeds without hard work.  There’s no such thing as success without hard work.  No butterfly flies without first struggling to get out of the chrysalis.  To fly, you must first struggle, you can’t fly into flying.

5. Make a Difference

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”

~William James

You make a difference.  One person with determination, persistence, and a “no-give-up” attitude will accomplish more than a thousand people who are merely interested in success.

What you do makes a difference, how you do it makes a difference, so do what you do to the best of your abilities, leveraging the wisdom of others, and in time, you will succeed.

Thank you for reading, mrselfdevelopment.com, where every article changes your life, and puts you on the path to success.

7 Must-Read Success Lessons from Les Brown

6:34 م Posted by Unknown No comments

Leslie C. “Les” Brown is a motivational speaker, former U.S. politician, popular author, radio DJ, and former host of The Les Brown Show.

Les Brown was born with his twin brother Wesley on February 17, 1945 in a low-income section of Miami, Florida in an abandoned building. He was subsequently given up for adoption and adopted by Mamie Brown, a then 38-year-old single woman who worked as a cafeteria attendant and domestic assistant. He was declared “educably mentally retarded” while in grade school. Despite the obvious self-esteem issues this created, with the encouragement of his mother and assistance by a helpful teacher in high school, he learned how to reach his full potential, a key point in many motivational speeches he gives now.

7 Must-Read Success Lessons from Les Brown:

1. Learn to Win

“There are winners, there are losers, and there are people who have not yet learned how to win.”

Know which battles you shouldn’t be trying to win.  Play to your strengths, there are some things that you will never succeed in, more importantly, there are some things that ONLY you can succeed in.

2. Plant a Tree

“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

This Web site has almost 8,000 subscribers because several years ago, I decided to start a self-development Web site, with 1 subscriber, myself.

To sit in the shade you must first plant a tree.  Plant a tree today, though it be small, it’s latter end will be great.

3. Twice Every Day

“Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them. Goals help you channel your energy into action.”

Place your goals in a place where you see them every day.  If you don’t see them, you will forget about them.  If you forget about them, it is self-evident that you will not achieve them.  Place your top three goals in a place where you will see them every day.

4. Stretch Yourself

“If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.”

To change your life, you must change the way you think.

In January of this year I listened to/read 27 books.  On January 31st, I saw things very differently then I saw them on January 1st – my consciousness had expanded.

Stretch yourself, challenge yourself; challenge the way you think, challenge what you eat, what you read, how you spend your time – you change by stretching yourself.

5. Get Your “But” Out the Way

“The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the buts you use today.”

…But I’m too old, too young, I’ve waited too long, I’ve messed up too many times, I’m misunderstood.  Your path to success is being blocked by your “but.”  Why you’re saying how and why something can’t be done, there’s somebody out there doing it.  Get your “but” out the way!

6. Land on Your Back

“When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up.”

You may have been knocked down, you may be convinced that you won’t succeed, but if you can look up, you can get up.  Get up one more time!  You are not your past mistakes; you have within you the ability to succeed, so look up!

7. Change

“You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change.”

At the end of the day, these are just cute quotes if you don’t decide to change.  You have to make a decision, you have to decide to maximize your potential.

Good is not good enough when you’re destined to be great.  Get up, look up, and succeed!

Thank you for reading, mrselfdevelopment.com, where every article changes your life, and puts you on the path to success.

4 Tips For Making the Most of Your Mornings

6:07 م Posted by Unknown No comments

 When interviewed about the keys to success, it's astounding how many leaders swear to the importance and effectiveness of their morning routine. While I recognize that in our 24-7, global world, each person's morning may vary, the research definitely indicates that starting your "day" with purpose is critical. Following are 4 top tips for making the most of your mornings:

1. Be Prepared. Preparing for the following day is a great place to start for a few reasons. First, it's generally much calmer before the storm. By taking the time to sit down in the quiet, away from the noise, interruptions, worries and details of the work day, successful people are able to more objectively and clearly assess the most important tasks for the following day. Second, studies reveal that the brain is never at rest and that, when individuals "program" it prior to sleep, it actually continues to work on problems without our own consciousness. By placing an issue or problem in your psyche just before going to sleep, you are actually allowing it to find solutions unencumbered by your own conscious bias.

2. Wake Naturally. With the exception of those individuals who are "morning people" (the kind that tend to just spring up and jump out of bed with a smile without the need for an alarm), most successful people will admit that they at first had some challenges with getting started in the morning. Let's face it, nobody enjoys being rudely pulled from the realm of dreams and startled to life by a shrieking box from across the room. But, thanks to new wearable devices and smartphone apps, individuals are able to wake more naturally. Rather than being abruptly jolted from restful slumber by an annoying alarm clock, these technologies gently wake you when they detect you are in the lightest phases of sleep. This slight adjustment can make all the difference in helping individuals to establish a better pattern of waking.

3. Fuel Up. Everyone has heard the old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but for some reason, not enough people are following this sage advice. Research shows that investing the time and energy to prepare and consume a healthy breakfast has positive effects on both body and mind. After lying in a resting state for 6-8 hours, the entire being needs nutrition to help jump start its physiological functioning. Regardless of individuals preferences on the size and substance of this early morning meal, breakfast can definitely help you to make the most of your morning.

4. Review Your Plan. Once you've prepared and slept on the issues that you'll face today, spend an hour or so during breakfast to reflect upon and review the plan that you created last night. Look at things with the refreshed perspective that rest provides. Quite often, individuals admit that they have gained new insight during the course of the night. Make the most of your time and energy to streamline the tasks that lay ahead.

Natural Beauty Tips - For a Beautiful You

5:58 م Posted by Unknown No comments

Every girl strives to look her best. While this practice is excellent to boost one's self-confidence, it may play havoc on one's pocket, looking at the sky-rocketing prices of beauty products in the market today. Have you ever wondered what enhanced the beauty of the generations of women before us, when beauty products were not so common in the market and there was literally no cosmetic industry? Simple! They just raided their kitchen shelves and refrigerators for natural beauty enhancing ingredients and you can do so too! It's not only inexpensive but completely safe as well! So, feel beautiful from head to toe with these tried and tested natural beauty tips for girls:

Remove cellulite with a coffee-sugar scrub 
Just mix 2 cups of ground coffee, 1/2 cup of brown sugar, and 2 tbsp of olive oil. This will not only remove all the excess fat from the body, but leave the skin feeling soft and silky too!

Anti-dandruff treatment with apple cider vinegar 
Spray apple cider vinegar onto your scalp before washing your hair. Leave the vinegar on the scalp for about 5 minutes and then rinse your hair. This will help you get rid of dandruff.

Remove blackheads with lemon and honey 
Cut half a lemon, mix the juice with 3-4 drops of honey and then rub the same on your nose and other blackhead-prone areas. Leave the lemon and honey mixture on your face for 5 minutes, then wash it with cold water. Not only will this instantly help you get rid of blackheads, but lemon will also help fade other marks/spots on the face and honey will moisturise the skin.

Coconut mask for nourished hair 
Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a little bit of honey. Warm up the mixture and then massage it on to your scalp, using slow and circular motions. This will not only nourish the scalp and the hair roots, but also improve blood circulation and promote hair growth.

Whiter teeth with baking soda and lemon 
This is the most popular natural beauty tip for a sparkling smile. Mix baking soda with some lemon juice. Dip your toothbrush into this paste and brush your teeth with it. Rinse after a few minutes. Give way to naturally white teeth within minutes!

Avocado hair mask for split ends 
This is the perfect treatment for nourishing your hair, repairing any damage and making them shiny and lustrous. Just make a paste of avocados and honey and mix it well before applying it to your tresses. Rinse off after about 20 minutes.

Scrub for cracked heels 
Add 4 tablespoons salt or sugar in 1/2 cup of almond oil with a little bit of milk. Scrub your chapped heels with the same after soaking them in warm water for 5-10 minutes. Discover beautiful feel within minutes!

Cucumber and lemon mask for fair skin 
Mix cucumber juice, lemon juice, turmeric and rose water, and apply the same to your face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.

الجمعة، 3 أكتوبر 2014

How To Achieve Greatness In Your Lifetime

7:35 م Posted by Unknown No comments

If you want to learn how to do something, there's really only a few ways.

One is to simply try from trial and error. Figure out what you want, make a move, and see what happens.

If you get closer, do more of whatever you did. If you are further away, do less of whatever you did. If you continue this, and never quit, you will achieve more than 99% of the people who ever lived, who are living now, and who will ever live in the future.

Why? Because most people are so terrified of failure, they either never start or simply give up after a couple tries. If you just keep trying and failing, learning, trying, succeeding, etc, you will achieve MASSIVE success in a very short time.

What will make it easier?

It helps if you've got some kind of a model to follow. Somebody who's already doing what you want to do.

Every single one of us learned to walk and talk this way. We didn't know how, we saw all the adults around us doing that, and we tried and tried until we got it right.

As an adult, you've got to take a lot more into consideration when modeling. Not only how they do what they do, but what they're thinking while they do it, what they're NOT thinking while they do it, and what they believe about themselves and the world around them.

Focusing on the external skills that you can see will only get you so far.

Naturally, there are some "meta-skills" that will help you matter what specific skill you are intending to emulate, whether it be money making, cake baking, or skateboarding.

Some of these "meta-skills" are beliefs, like "there's no failure, only feedback," or "I can learn anything if I put my mind to it, " or "If THAT person can do it, then I can do it."

Then there's some overarching behavioral meta skills that will almost guarantee you reach your goal, you matter how big it is or far off it seems.

And that is to simply never, ever give up.

Think about the most successful people alive today. Tiger Woods. Bill Gates. Warren Buffet.

They didn't get to where they are because they found some magic "shortcut."

They figured out what they wanted, and they went after it. Consistently, relentlessly and daily.

Never, ever, giving up. To them, it was never, ever an option.

Bill Gates - A Story of Success

7:21 م Posted by Unknown No comments

Bill and his close friend Allen started new company of their own, Traf-O-Data. They developed a small computer to measure traffic flow. From this project they earned around $20,000. The era of Traf-O-Data came to an end when Bill left the college. In 1973, he left home for Harvard University. He didn't know what to do, so he enrolled his name for pre-law. He took the standard freshman courses with the exception of signing up for one of Harvard's toughest mathematics courses. He did well there, but he couldn't find it interesting. He spent many long nights in front of the school's computer and the next day asleep in class. After leaving school, he almost lost himself from the world of computers. Bill and his friend Paul Allen remained in close contact even though they were away from school. They would often discuss new ideas for future projects and the possibility of starting a business one day. At the end of Bill's first year, Allen came close to him so that they could follow some of their ideas. That summer they got job in Honeywell. Allen kept on pushing Bill for opening a new software company.

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in a family having rich business, political and community service background. His great-grandfather was a state legislator and a mayor, his grandfather was vice president of national bank and his father was a lawyer.

Personal Attributes
Bill strongly believes in hard work. He believes that if you are intelligent and know how to apply your intelligence, you can achieve anything. From childhood Bill was ambitious, intelligent and competitive. These qualities helped him to attain top position in the profession he chose. In school, he had an excellent record in mathematics and science. He used to be really bored in school and his parents knew it, so they always tried to feed him with more information to keep him busy. Bill's parents came to know about their son's intelligence and decided to enroll him in a private school, known for its intense academic environment. It was a very important decision in Bill's life, and it was there that he was introduced to a computer. Bill Gates and his friends were very much interested in the world of programming and formed "Programmers Group" in late 1968. Being in this group, they found a new way to apply their skills in university of Washington. In the next year, they got their first opportunity in Information Sciences Inc. in which they were selected as programmers. ISI (Information Sciences Inc.) agreed to give them royalties whenever it made money from any of the group's program. As a result of the business deal signed with Information Sciences Inc., the group also became a legal business.

The Successful Entrepreneur and Philanthropist
Within a year, Bill dropped out from Harvard. Then he formed Microsoft. Bill is a visionary person and works very hard to achieve his vision. His belief in high intelligence and hard work has put him where he is today. He does not believe in mere luck or God's grace, but just hard work and competitiveness. Microsoft is good competition for other software companies and he will continue to stomp out the competition until he dies. He likes to play the game of risk and world domination. His beliefs are so powerful, which have helped him increase his wealth and his monopoly in the industry.

Bill married Melinda French in 1994 and they have three children. It was with Melinda's constant support that Bill accomplished his long-cherished dream of starting a foundation aimed at helping the poor and the needy. Together they started the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and it has been endowed with more than $35 billion. Some years ago, he visited Chicago's Einstein Elementary School and announced grants benefiting Chicago's schools and museums and donated a total of $110,000, a bunch of computers, and provided Internet connectivity to number of schools. Secondly, Bill Gates donated 38 million dollars for the building of a computer institute at Stanford University. Gates plans to give away 95% of all his earnings when he is old and gray.

How to Change Your Attitude Towards Success!

11:31 ص Posted by Unknown No comments

I recently came across a very fascinating book about success and thought about sharing what I learned with you. I want to provide you some important key elements for you to apply in your daily life and change your attitude and bad habits.

It is a very well-known fact that 95% of people will never get to experience success as they have imagined in their minds. I am very positive you are curious on why this is the case for so many people.

It is all about attitude! To have the right attitude, you need the right mindset. Those who are very successful and belong in the 5% range of millionaires and billionaires, chose to take control of their conscious and unconscious mind in order to attract wealth and success.

Discipline is very important for attitude change. Changing your attitude could start from very small habit changes. For example, organizing your room, reading a book, exercising, doing yoga, walking your dog will give you more discipline and will-power.

Procrastination could be the worst habits to adapt because the side-effect includes laziness.I myself have experiences procrastination and it is one of the worst "fake best friends" for a human mind. To thoroughly remove procrastination, you need to consciously accept the fact that if you don't get this task finished today, you will make yourself more lazy tomorrow. Keep in mind that the more you let your mind be in control of you, the more procrastination you will experience.

Change your attitude towards people. Relationships are very important, thus always be courteous towards others. Remember, the way you treat someone is the way you will get treated back. If you have positive and loving relationships, you will have a better attitude towards life and more opportunities for success will open for you.

When negative thoughts flow to your mind, consciously ignore it and change your thoughts towards positive thinking. The mind could be the persons worst enemy or best friend. To discipline your mind, you need to consciously start thinking optimistically until it become unconscious. One way you can do this is through positive affirmation. Optimism is a must for a better attitude towards becoming successful. A pessimistic person can never be successful because they will adapt the attitude of giving excuses.

Surround yourself with successful people. Be around those who experience life through hard work and positive attitude. This would benefit you because you will start to think and be like them. For instance, if you hang out with criminals, the chances of you starting to act like them is very high. Same concept applies for successful people.

Overcome Your Fear of Elevators With Hypnosis

11:24 ص Posted by Unknown No comments

You know that if you are unable to get on an elevator, your phobia is limiting your personal freedoms, and causing stress in your life. You may not even know why you are afraid of elevators; you just can't make yourself get on one. Did you know that this phobia is caused by some event from your past being magnified by your subconscious? You may not remember the event, but your subconscious does! How can you stop your subconscious from controlling your decisions?

Hypnosis for Fears

When we find ourselves being control by irrational fears, our subconscious is usually to blame. Even if you have never been trapped in an elevator before, your phobia has you convinced that the elevator cable will break and you will crash, or the lift will lose power and you will be stuck. You may be afraid of open lifts like escalators, fearing that your shoelaces or clothing will be caught and you will be stuck for hours. Whatever it is you are afraid of, hypnosis for fears will help you control the phobia.

Hypnosis for Phobias

Are you selective about your career options because you cannot ride in elevators? Have you even declined to visit a friend because of what floor they live on? Do you avoid airports and theme parks because of escalators? Hypnosis for fears and phobias will free you from these limitations, and release these fears from your subconscious.

During a hypnosis session for fear of elevators, your hypnotist will help you identify what event from your past has made you afraid of elevators. They will then be able to change how your subconscious perceives the event and retrain your mind so that it understands there is nothing left to fear. Hypnosis will prevent the negative past event from affecting your behavior today.

Your hypnotist will be able to make positive suggestions to your subconscious that will eliminate fears. Through visualization techniques, you will be able to see yourself getting on, riding in, and getting off an elevator with no negative feelings.

Hypnosis for Fear of Elevators will help you identify what triggers you fear, and then reprogram your subconscious so that it no longer exaggerates those fears. Hypnosis will change how you feel about elevators, and will help you overcome your phobia.

Learn Self-hypnosis for Fear of Elevators

During your hypnosis session, you will learn how to use hypnosis for daily reinforcement so that if you ever find yourself beginning to have irrational fears again you can stop them before they stop you.

Once you have completed your hypnosis sessions, you will never again have your personal freedoms limited by your fears. You can visit anyone and go anywhere, no matter how long the elevator ride may be. You will be free from the sickening and sinking feeling that overcomes you every time you see an elevator or escalator. Hypnosis for phobias will give you the freedom to go where you want.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

11:03 ص Posted by Unknown No comments

This article is about the book. For the Rich Dad brand, see Rich Dad.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a 2000 book written by American businessman, author and investor Robert Kiyosaki. It advocates financial independence and building wealth through investingreal estate investing, starting and owning businesses, as well as increasing one'sfinancial intelligence to improve one's business and financial aptitude. Rich Dad Poor Dad is written in the style of a set of parables, ostensibly based on Kiyosaki's life.[1] Kiyosaki stresses the ownership of high value assets that produce cash flow, rather than being an employee in the book.

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Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

10:54 ص Posted by Unknown No comments

Stress - we all experience it from time to time, and some of us experience it more than others. Sometimes you may feel yourself becoming stressed over your career, home life, bills, your children, etc., and sometimes you may find yourself feeling stressed and you don't even know why. I know personally that sometimes I get so busy that I am stressed and do not even realize it until I am so tired that all I want to do is rest. You may wonder how you could easily reduce and cope with your level of stress, because stress can wreak havoc on your life and health. Luckily, I have found 5 simple ways to reduce stress, so take a deep breath and keep reading.

1. Identify what is stressing you out.

Like I mentioned earlier, sometimes we can be stressed out and not really even know why! The first step is truly finding out what your biggest stressors are and find ways to eliminate them as much as possible. Ask yourself some questions: What was happening when I started to feel this way? How am I feeling physically and emotionally? How am I reacting to this situation? How do I make myself feel better?

Asking yourself these questions will help you recognize the event that caused your stress and can also help you see that sometimes you may be creating this stress yourself. You will need to recognize this and accept control over it before successfully being able to get a handle on your stress. Perhaps carry around a journal and ask yourself those questions every time you find yourself feeling stressed; you will likely begin to see a pattern. For me personally, I get stressed over working too much. I have learned that I create this stress by accepting too many tasks thrown my way, and that I need to learn how to manage my time better.

2. Avoid stressful situations.

In step #1 you learned how to figure out what your stressors are, so #2 is almost a no-brainer! For me and my example, it was learning how to say "no" based on my limits in my professional and personal life. I learned to not make too many commitments at one time, and to be realistic with my to-do list. Take a serious look at your schedule and compare it with your daily to-do list. Remove tasks that aren't absolutely necessary - you can postpone them or remove them entirely.

Some other ways can be to avoid people who stress you out, avoid certain discussions that stress you out (such as politics) and control your environment. If one particular person stresses you out when you are around them, cut your time with them as much as possible. In some cases, ending the relationship may be the most beneficial step. I personally have had to do this before, and it is not easy - however, it is entirely worth it.

If certain situations stress you out, such as sitting in traffic, find a way around that. If traffic stresses you out, find an alternate route that is less congested. If hearing about all of the bad things happening in the world stresses you out (I know it does me!), avoid the news. If something monumental happens, you will hear about it anyway.

If discussions on certain topics always end in a stressful argument, avoid those topics completely if possible; change the subject or excuse yourself from the conversation.

3. Have some fun.

A common theme I recognize when I am stressed out is that I am not having enough fun. When you're stressed, fun may be the last thing on your mind, but trust me here. What do you enjoy to do? What is a relaxing activity for you? Perhaps you enjoy walking in nature, writing in a journal, reading a good book, taking a hot bath (one of my favorite de-stressors!), listening to music or drinking a warm cup of tea? Do those things! Don't let yourself get so busy that you forget to take some time for yourself to chill out and relax. You may feel guilty for wanting to spend some time relaxing alone if you have a spouse or a family, but don't - taking some time for yourself to relax will make you a better YOU when you are with them.

4. Work on your health.

Working on my health was a huge game-changer for my stress. If you do not currently exercise, I challenge you to add that into your schedule. Exercise has become one of my top ways to relieve stress. I now know that if I have had a stressful day, at least 30 minutes of sweat will decrease my stress dramatically and improve my mood. Altering your diet can have positive effects on your stress as well, because eating well keeps our bodies strong and we can better cope with stress when we are strong. Another huge factor for me has been cutting caffeine completely from my diet. I recognized that caffeine was making me very tense and stressed, frequently causing me to have anxiety attacks. Also, make sure you are getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

5. Accept the things you cannot change.

If you've ever heard the serenity prayer, you will recognize this - learn to accept the things you cannot change. Life simply throws curveballs at us sometimes that we have absolutely no control over. One thing that I always let stress me out is things that other people do. The behavior of others is completely out of my control, so why was I letting it bother me? Learn to let things go that are out of your control. Try talking to a trusted friend about these things in order to help you get past them without feeling stressed from bottling up the feelings. If someone hurt you, learn to forgive them so that you can move on. Chances are that they aren't dwelling on what they did to you, so you shouldn't either.

3 Proven Cures For Anxiety

10:46 ص Posted by Unknown No comments

We know that the internet is a land of opportunities. However, some funny characters have used this platform to take advantage of people by selling substandard products by creating a lot of hype and promising a lot of things while delivering nothing.

If you suffer from anxiety, you should know that there is nothing like a miracle cure and you should desist from buying products that promise a lot of results. To ensure that you're not taken advantage, you will get a complete guide of the medications and cures for anxiety that have been and are still being used to treat this condition. As such you should try to remain within the products unless advised otherwise by a professional in the medical field.

Here are the top 3 cures for anxiety.

1. Self treatment

This is perhaps the method that most people should embrace. It simply requires one to embrace certain activities and procedures that help to avoid the anxiety attacks and in the event that the attack has struck, the activities help to reduce the nervousness. Some of the medical procedures that you can use to self treat include exercise, resting in a dark room, taking a warm bath or even meditating. These are all processes that one can do by themselves to combat anxiety.

2. Counselling

Another very effective form of treatment that can be used to cure anxiety is counselling. The reason as to why this is a very effective method of treatment is because in most cases, people that suffer from anxiety have had a stressful life and as such do not know how to handle the situation and in most cases they have been found to be introverts. While talking to someone could be very helpful, talking to an expert could be even more helpful compared to other cures for anxiety as they could ascertain the root of the problem and offer a lasting solution to the predicament.

3. Medicine

As a last resort, you can opt for some pharmaceutical products especially if the magnitude of the anxiety attacks is very high. However, it is advisable that before settling for any of this type of cures for anxiety that one seeks the advice of a physician especially if they're under other types of medication.

The kinds of medications that are often prescribed for patients with anxiety include drugs like diazepam, xanax, lorazepam and klonopin. These are sedatives that help to slow everything down and allow you to get some rest as well. Alternatively, some of the medications that are used to treat depression can be used to treat anxiety. This includes sertaline and paroxetine.

Unlike any other complication, anxiety is not a genetically inheritable disease and it is not a disease that one can contract instead this is a condition in which someone is afraid of the outcome. That is why cures for anxiety that help address social issues and allow you to better relate with situation and people should be given the first option.

I Can't Love You If I Am Sober

10:42 ص Posted by Unknown No comments

There's nothing like reading a bit of revealing social discourse that shows us who we are, as well as, who we are not. I especially love it, when the talking and the finger- pointing are directed towards other people and not me.

For most of my fellow Australians, and probably for most other people around the world, dating and drinking go hand in hand. Pubs and clubs set the scene for hook-ups. First dates invariably occur at a bar where we can use a glass or a bottle as a prop to give us courage and take the edge off understandable nervousness.

But according to at least one sex therapist, what might begin as a form of social lubrication can quickly spiral into sexual dysfunction. And I am not talking about an inability to perform. Which leads me to reveal a remarkable and in some ways shocking social observation. There has been a significant rise in the number of couples who have never experienced sober sex. No, I am not kidding.

As one Sex Therapist disclosed it wasn't in any way unusual for her to meet couples that only ever have sex after they drink alcohol or take drugs. It doesn't seem to matter if they are having sex for the first time or they've been together for years. It might develop into a committed relationship but they only ever have sex after some form of substance abuse.

Sex therapists say they've seen this problem escalate over the past two years. The question, of course, is why? Why is this happening? Is it because drink and drugs are too easy to obtain and too easy to use?

One theory suggests that people get anxious because doing this sober means relating to your partner in an open and honest way. What's wrong with that? I hear you ask. The answer is nothing wrong and everything right. But it causes a great deal of difficulty for some people. And when they try to change their lifestyle and not use drugs or alcohol they can't maintain the passion or sustain an intimate relationship. An Australian survey of young adults found that 92 percent of them who admitted to having casual sex in the past six months were not sober at the time. Similar results came from a survey of American University students who consumed, on average, five alcoholic drinks before their most recent sexual encounter.

Speaking to the survey participants provides an intriguing insight into their attitudes. One young woman said it was only after she gave up drinking that she realized what an impact alcohol had on her sex life. Alcohol helped her to bypass that part of her brain that normally tells her to go slowly or be more cautious. It helped her to be bolder in approaching and coming on to someone she was sexually interested in. But now that she's sober, she is in control of what she's doing and able to make judgment calls about the person and the sex. Quite frankly I find it a little frightening.

Behavioural scientists say alcohol dulls the alarm signal that warns a person they are about to make a mistake. Which might explain why people wake up next to a person they would never look twice at if they had been sober the night before.

One young man is currently writing a book about the time he spent living in a house full of fellow chronic methamphetamine users. His book will, among other things, document the effect of the drug on people's sex lives. He says meth has a reputation for getting people into sexual situations they otherwise would not want to be in. The man talks of sleeping with people who he genuinely found disgusting but that fact only seemed to add to the excitement at the time.

Now at this point you might be thinking am I talking exclusively about young people? The young party goers. The answer is No. I am not. A lot of 30, 40 and 50 somethings, need a couple of wines at dinner to get in the mood.

What Causes Menstrual Pains

10:38 ص Posted by Unknown No comments

"More than half of all menstruating women have cramps, in Nigeria the cramps are severe in at least one in seven women" (Medicinenet.com)

What Causes Menstrual Pains?

Having menstrual pain is no fun, when it starts the moaning and the sighs become a normal trend. Almost all women experience discomfort at the time of their periods for most, this does not interfere with their daily activities. However, for some ladies the monthly period are dreaded, it is painful, problematic and in some cases it is incapacitating, it can interfere with their lives because of the inconvenience it causes.

It is agreed that menstrual pain is a normal part of womanhood, gosh! That really hurts. But do you know why it happens?


Before you can understand menstrual pain, you must first comprehend a little bit about the menstrual cycle. According to Dr. Tokunbo Akinsanya a Gynecologist, the typical menstrual cycle is between 28-30 days, it is a natural process that happens every month as the body gets ready for pregnancy. At the beginning of each cycle the uterus develops a somewhat soft lining more like a fence made of soft blood-rich tissues in preparation for an egg that will be released from the ovary. If fertilized the egg will develop into a baby, often times this fertilization does not occur the blood-rich lining of the womb is shed, as it is no longer useful. This shedding is what we call period, or menstruation.

So why the pain?

"MENSTRUAL cramps are periodic abdominal and pelvic pains experienced by women..."

During the time that the lining of the womb is being shed you might experience some cramping pain in the lower part of the stomach, your lower back and at the top of your leg. Experts have reviewed that the reason for this pain is that the uterus wall is contracting or squeezing to remove the soft blood-rich lining it no longer needs because you are not pregnant. To facilitate this removal the womb secretes a hormonal chemical called PROSTAGLANDINS. "gibberish right?" Unfortunately it is this chemical that induces the pain.

According to Dr. Akinsanya he said, "The pains are caused by contractions in the wall of the uterus, these contractions are caused by the release of some hormones produced by the lining of the womb, this hormone produces an interrelated cycle of cramp like pain, and bleeding."

No one really know why the menstrual pain differs in women, for some women and girls it can be mild, in others it is stronger than moderate, experts have suggested that this may be as a result of over secretion of prostaglandins which causes the womb to contract more harder reducing the blood flow to the womb and causing more pain.

5 Best Natural Remedies for Constipation

10:35 ص Posted by Unknown No comments

Constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints in the world. The symptoms includes: difficulty in having a bowel movement, vomiting, swelling in the abdomen, intestinal pain, and heart burn etc. Stress, lack of exercise, certain medications, artificial sweeteners and a diet that's lacking fiber or fluids can each be the culprit. If you've been feeling constipated for a day or even longer, you're surely ready for relief, the sooner the better. Fortunately, there are many useful natural remedies for constipation in daily life.

Here are some examples for your reference:

1 Aloe Vera

You may have heard of aloe vera being used topically for things like sunburn, but it is also considered a natural laxative. The juice can be consumed daily, or aloe vera can be taken in gel capsules. Take 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel and mix it in fruit juice and drink this mixture in order to get rid of constipation.

Aloe vera could be considered a super food. The leaf is filled with a gel containing at least 75 nutrients, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, and 200 active enzymes. In addition to be good natural remedies for constipation, aloe vera also has many other health benefits. Just to name a few: balancing acid and alkaline levels in the stomach, helping to ease gastric irritation, forms a lining throughout the colon to keep toxic waste from entering the body and replace creams and lotions as a general moisturizer for dry skin etc.

2 Flax Seed

Tons of fiber in flax seeds has a laxative property, which can be very useful in curing mild to very serious cases of constipation. Add a tablespoon of ground flaxseed to your hot or cold breakfast cereal. They should be eaten ground up to three times a day for best effect. Flaxseed comes from the flax plant, an annual herb. Flax seed is very low in carbohydrates, making it ideal for people who limit their intake of starches and sugars. Flaxseed is found in all kinds of today's foods from crackers to frozen waffles to oatmeal. In addition, a diet of flaxseed may protect skin tissue from being damage by radiation.

3 Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has long been used as a natural remedy to treat a number of health problems including constipation. Apple cider vinegar is rich in minerals, like potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper and fluorine, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, and E, bioflavonoid, and pectin. Presently, apple cider vinegar is used in food as salad dressing and in making pickles. It is very popular in daily life due to its powerful effect in many ways. Apple cider vinegar has been used in traditionally as a weight loss agent and studies have proven that indeed, it does! It helps by breaking down fats so that your body can use them rather than store them. In addition, it also can help in removing freckles and dark spots. In a world, apple cider vinegar is one of the most useful, affordable and versatile supplements you can take for your overall health.

4 Green Tea

If consumed in normal quantities, green tea can be used as part of your constipation remedies toolkit. At the same time, green tea also is very famous herbal remedies for weight loss in daily life. Now, there are so many drinking of green tea on the market. In addition, Green tea is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants, so it makes perfect sense that it could reduce your risk of cancer as well.

5 Prune Juice

Sweet with a deep taste and a sticky chewy texture, prunes are not only fun to eat but they are also highly nutritious. Prune juice is another home remedy to get fast relief from constipation. Prune is very common fruit in daily life. If you have trouble with constipation, try this not expensive home remedy at once.

Constipation is common among children, aged ones and pregnant women. Herbal therapy is one of the oldest forms of constipation treatments - numerous cultures around the world have used herbs to cure constipation for thousands of years. Herbal therapy is one of natural remedies for constipation.

Simple Tips for Keeping Your Skin Healthy

10:27 ص Posted by Unknown No comments

It is imperative for women to understand their body as they enter different phases of their life, to and be able to foresee common problems that come with age. What the body of a twenty year old woman requires is different from what a fifty year old woman aged needs. Nevertheless, the truth is that the beauty and health of every woman gets affected by one of more of these conditions, as time goes by: facial wrinkles, breast drooping, vaginal infection, women infertility, abnormal menstruation, cellulite, varicose vein, stretch marks, menopause, constipation, spider vein, vitamin deficiency, depression and so on.

Following, we'll talk about a few ways of remaining healthy and good-looking:

How to keep your skin healthy and beautiful?

Every woman loves having a shiny, healthy skin, but few realize what spoils it. You'll accept that our body is constantly under attack by the sun, pollution, sweat, stress, misuse of items like alcohol, tobacco and various fast foods. If you are keen to have a healthy, attractive skin, you need to find ways to counteract these elements. Some proven helpful ways include nutritious food and regular exercise, coupled with a good sleep.

However, all our efforts prove to be insufficient at times, particularly with the growing years, when our body needs more attention and necessarily requires a slight use of cosmetics. It is recommended to make use of natural, safe skin products. Regular use of such natural products can significantly help to protect your looks from the effects of pollutants. This is true for the feminine beauty that pleases men, and also makes you feel better about yourself. To stay looking attractive is important for yourself, as well as for others.

It's imperative to keep your skin clean. Healthy skin demands regular care. It is vital to keep the skin clean by regularly using products which do not harm it, or disturb its normal balance. You should understand that it is under constant attack from external elements. It is certainly affected by elements like dirt, dust, sweat and pollution. all elements which disturb its peripheral balance. The use of an antioxidant cream helps repairing the damages caused by these elements.


There are many reports confirming that good, nutritional food contributes to having a healthier skin. There is no doubt that your beauty is closely related to your diet. Apart from the consumption of healthy foods, one should not have dinners late in the night. You should try eating your last meal at least three hours before retiring for the night. Eating late could lead to indigestion, which is often the cause of bad breath, acne, belly fat, psoriasis and eczema. Ideally, you should design your eating habits according to your lifestyle (sportive, active), present state (obese, pregnant) and age. Your energy requirements also depend on your sex and many other factors.

الخميس، 2 أكتوبر 2014

7 Decisions That Can Catapult Your Coaching Business

3:31 م Posted by Unknown No comments

As a coach you are faced with decisions daily, but it is whether you act on those decisions or not, that can help you catapult your coaching business. Your success is connected to your choices. You can't just hope to take your coaching business to the next level, you have to be willing to take action. Decisions are a form of action, and action leads to results.

1. Decide you are going to be an amazing leader:

Regardless of how you look at it you are a leader. You are a leader for those who look up to you, learn from you, and want to receive services from you. But you have to decide that you are going to be an amazing leader, one that stands out, one who is not afraid to take risks, and one who leads by example. An amazing leader doesn't just follow the crowd, but an amazing leader is a trend setter, he or she is not afraid to seek new opportunities or to do "a new thing."

2. Decide that delegation is your friend and not your enemy:

As a coach you have many gifts and talents, but it is okay to delegate responsibility to someone who is better equipped to handle specific tasks. You don't have to try to do everything. If you try to do everything you can end up feeling drained and frustrated.

You have to find someone you trust who has the same type of drive and passion that you have, and outsource your services. For example, if you know web design is not your thing, then don't try to master it. When you try to master things you aren't called to master, then you lose focus and inspiration, connected to the things you are masterful at.

3. Decide you are going to provide an exceptional product or service:

You must make the decision that you are going to provide the best product or service that you can offer. This doesn't mean half-stepping or providing sub-quality products or services. This means you are doing your best to provide a product or service that is designed to do exactly what you are stating it will do. And it means you are offering a product or service that your ideal audience not only want but need.

Without an exceptional product or service your coaching business can find itself stagnant or even worse than that out of business. Offering a coaching product or service that will inspire and empower others to live a better quality of life is essential. That means your coaching product or service is something you are passionate about, it is something that you love, it is something you are knowledgeable about and it is something you are emotionally connected to.

In other words don't just create a coaching product service because you think it will make you a lot of money. That is not providing an exceptional product or service, that is creating a product or service from the wrong perspective, and yes, you may be able to make a nice amount of money, but you are sacrificing your fulfillment and passion, because you are not doing it for the right reason. And how can you offer an exceptional product or service without passion?

4. Decide you are going to give extraordinary customer service:

Without clients your coaching business will not succeed. You have to give extraordinary customer service. Now exactly what does that look like? Well, have you ever been to a company or made a phone call to a company, and you encountered someone who seemed unprofessional, uncaring and didn't understand anything you were talking about? Most of us have at one time or another, so if you have experienced that, do the opposite.

Be pleasant at all times; know your product or service, go above and beyond to offer your customers an extraordinary experience, return e-mails and phone calls in a timely manner, be caring and compassionate toward your potential clients, at the very least send thank you cards for referrals, get to know your potential customers to the best of your ability, and do anything else you can do to offer extraordinary customer service. Sometimes your extraordinary customer service skills can push a potential client to choose you over a competitor.

5. Decide you are going to be successful:

Make up your mind that you are going to be successful at what you do. Begin to think that you are already successful, and then continue to take steps to manifest the success you desire and deserve. Don't ever think for one minute that you are going to fail. If you know you have been called to the coaching profession, then you must also know that you have been called to the coaching profession to succeed. If you want to succeed in your coaching business it starts with a decision.

6. Decide you are not going to quit:

Operating a coaching business can be extremely difficult at times, and there may be times when you want to quit. But you have to make sure that you don't make quitting an option. Yes, quitting is an option, but just don't let it be an option for you. If you quit you are going to leave the individuals in limbo that you are called to provide coaching services to. And if you quit are you really going to feel any more rewarded or fulfilled? Probably not.

If you ever feel like giving up, pray and ask God to give you the strength to keep going, connect to a strong support system, look at all of the accomplishments you have made to date and draw inspiration from that, and think about one time you wanted to quit, but you were glad you didn't. If you talk to any successful coach if he or she is honest, they will probably tell you there were times when they wanted to throw in the towel, but they will also tell you that they are glad they didn't give up. And if you refuse to quit you too can one day inspire another coach to hang in there during the rough moments.

7. Decide that you will continue learning:

Continued learning is essential in the coaching profession. This may look like reading personal development books, attending workshops on your topic of expertise, enhancing your coaching skills, learning more about marketing, social media or whatever you need to learn about, to help you take your coaching business to the next level. There are tremendous opportunities for growth in the coaching profession. It is imperative that you decide to continue enhancing your education in the coaching profession; this can not only prove beneficial for you, but also for your clients as well. Continued learning can help you stand out, it can unleash creative ideas and it can inspire you. And as you learn more you can also earn more.